Yoga, Meditation, and the End of My Smoking Habit

Mwangi Kamae
5 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

The acrid smell of smoke, the lingering cough, the constant cravings — these were my companions for over two decades. I was caught in a vicious cycle of addiction, trying every possible solution to break free. Patches, gum, willpower — they all worked for a while, but anxiety would inevitably creep in, and I’d find myself reaching for a cigarette again. It was a frustrating and disheartening pattern.

Then, a few weeks ago I was watching a Sadhguru video on : mindfulness and meditation. I stumbled upon these practices as I searched for ways to manage my anxiety.

The Vicious Cycle of Smoking and Anxiety

Smoking and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. For me, cigarettes were a coping mechanism, a way to momentarily relieve stress and tension. But the relief was fleeting, and the addiction only fueled my anxiety in the long run. I was trapped in a self-destructive loop.

Every time I tried to quit, the withdrawal symptoms and the surge of anxiety would become overwhelming. I’d feel irritable, restless, and unable to focus. The cravings were relentless, and my willpower would crumble under the pressure. It felt like an endless battle with no end in sight.

Discovering Mindfulness and Meditation

In my desperation to find lasting relief from anxiety, I turned to mindfulness and meditation. At first, I was skeptical I had tried yoga before ,figured it wouldnt hurt to try again.

I started with simple guided meditations, focusing on my breath and bringing my awareness to the present moment (Sadhguru app). It was surprisingly challenging at first. My mind would race with thoughts, worries, and cravings. But as I continued practicing, I gradually learned to observe these thoughts without judgment, letting them come and go like passing clouds.

The Power of Present Moment Awareness

Mindfulness taught me the power of being present. When a craving hit, instead of immediately reaching for a cigarette, I would pause and observe the sensation. I would notice the tightness in my chest, the tingling in my fingers, the urge to inhale. But instead of reacting to these sensations, I would simply acknowledge them and let them be.

This simple act of observation created a space between the craving and my response. It allowed me to see that the craving was just a temporary sensation, not an irresistible force. And as I practiced mindfulness more and more, the cravings gradually lost their power over me.

Meditation: A Refuge from Anxiety

Meditation became my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the chaos of my mind and find inner peace. During my daily meditation practice, I would focus on my breath, repeating a mantra, or simply observing the sensations in my body. This allowed me to cultivate a sense of calmness and equanimity that I had never experienced before.

As my meditation practice deepened, I noticed a significant reduction in my anxiety levels. I was no longer constantly on edge, worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Instead, I was able to fully engage with the present moment, appreciating the simple joys of life.

Yoga: A Holistic Approach to Well-being

In addition to mindfulness and meditation, I also incorporated yoga into my daily routine. The physical practice of yoga helped me release tension and stress from my body, while the mindful movement and breathing exercises further enhanced my present moment awareness.

Yoga also taught me the importance of self-care. As I became more attuned to my body’s needs, I started making healthier choices in all areas of my life. I ate more nutritious foods, got more sleep, and spent more time in nature. These changes further supported my journey to quit smoking and improved my overall well-being.

The Transformation

After two weeks of consistent mindfulness, meditation, and yoga practice, I realized something incredible: I had stopped smoking. It wasn’t a conscious decision, nor was it a struggle. It simply happened naturally as a result of my newfound inner peace and resilience.

The cravings still arose occasionally, but they were no longer overwhelming. I could observe them with detachment and choose not to act on them. I had finally broken free from the vicious cycle of addiction.

But the benefits of mindfulness and meditation didn’t stop there. I noticed a profound shift in my energy levels, my relationships, and my overall outlook on life. I felt more centered, grounded, and connected to myself and others. I was attracting positive experiences and opportunities into my life, and my relationships flourished as a result of my newfound calmness and compassion.

The Ripple Effect

My journey to quit smoking through mindfulness and meditation had a ripple effect on those around me. My family and friends were amazed by my transformation, and many of them were inspired to explore these practices for themselves.

I also started sharing my experiences with others who were struggling with addiction, offering support and encouragement. It was incredibly rewarding to witness their own journeys of healing and transformation.

The Path Forward

As I continue to practice mindfulness and meditation, I am constantly amazed by the profound impact they have on my life. I am no longer defined by my addiction, but rather by my newfound freedom, inner peace, and resilience.

If you are struggling with smoking or any other addiction, I encourage you to explore the power of mindfulness and meditation. These practices can provide you with the tools you need to overcome your challenges and create a life filled with joy, peace, and purpose.

Walking meditation, a practice that seamlessly blends mindfulness with movement, became a powerful tool in my journey. It allowed me to cultivate present moment awareness even during everyday activities. With each step, I focused on the sensations in my feet, the gentle swaying of my body, and the rhythm of my breath. This simple act of mindful walking became a moving meditation, anchoring me to the present moment and providing a respite from the cravings and anxieties that once plagued me. It was a reminder that mindfulness could be integrated into every aspect of my life, creating a continuous flow of awareness and serenity.

By embracing mindfulness and meditation, you can unlock your inner strength and create a life that is truly worth living. The journey may not be easy, but the rewards are immeasurable.

